Jerod loves KSTATE and coaching his kids' football and baseball teams. His favorite movies are Tombstone, Primal Fear and Bill & Teds Excellent Adventure. His favorite holiday is Halloween, suspiciously close to his birthday. When he's not listening to sports radio, he likes Kings of Leon, The Eagles and The Lumineers. He is married and has four kids. He has a basset hound named Rosie as well. Using his Hy-Vee rewards card saves him buckets of money on gas due to the four kids he has to feed.
Lead Screen Printer
Dylan Holmes, first of his name, has been with Rellec for about five years. before that, we don't know. Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones and LOST are some of the shows you can find him watching on the regular. He also enjoys playing video games, disc golf and drawing. (He's very talented) His favorite holiday is also Halloween. He and his wife Sam, have a cat named Starr.

doug woolever
General Manager
Doug refuses to tell us anything about himself, so here is what we know for sure. He is an avid Kansas City Chiefs fan. He hates the Raiders more than anything and think it was cheap to move them to Las Vegas. He has three beautiful children with his equally beautiful wife, Paige. Doug has worked in the screen printing industry for about 15 years. You can always count on Doug for a good pun-y joke and he picks the best music for the shop.
Graphic Designer
The first thing you'll notice about Kyle is his fashion sense. You can find him matching his outfits with detail only seen in movies. Kyle is married with two children. He enjoys watching and playing golf, spending time with his family, and going to concerts with his wife. His favorite holiday is Christmas, and it shows! Using the passenger side seat warmer to keep fast food warm, is his best life hack. Not bad if you ask me.
kelly rose
Sales & Mareting Director
If you need pens with your logo on them, Kelly is your girl! When she's not hocking promotional items, Kelly likes to go to the lake and hang out on her boat or dive into science and nature documentaries. Fourth of July is her favorite day to celebrate and probably where she figured out putting frozen fruit in your wine, will keep it nice and chilled. She likes spending time in Florida and Colorado with family and friends.